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Gambling Addiction Help in Georgia-24Hrs

Georgia gambling help is available through the Georgia Council on Problem Gambling at 800-522-4700. GCPG is the Official State Chapter of the National Council on Problem Gambling.

Helpline services include:◦ Multilingual care.◦ 24 Hours a day. Seven days per week.◦ Dedicated only to gambling addiction.◦ You can count on only trained and experienced call center staff.      We understand.◦ A variety of print materials including workbooks for teens, college students, women and the elderly–gambling addiction doesn’t discriminate.◦ Comprehensive resource database including a list of International Certified Gambling Counselors.◦ Limited number of private practice counselors who accept most major insurance including Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, Cigna, United Healthcare, Aetna, Anthem, Optum, U.S. Federal FTE employees, US Postal service workers and more.

24 Hour GA Help for Gambling Addiction

Providing Leadership and Paving the Way for Change

We are the State of Georgia gambling help leaders on anything related to resources, public awareness, advocacy, education, research consulting, LPC CE Ethics Workshops and other clinical training. We are proud to be the only entity with experience delivering Georgia gambling help services, helping gamblers stop gambling, and proven success in connecting callers throughout the state with resources to help Georgia families recover from gambling addiction.Don’t know any problem gamblers? It is likely you do. Problem Gambling is devastating our families and burdening the State’s healthcare, criminal and civil justice systems–an estimated 380,000 problem gamblers and $336 million dollars per year in economic costs (Georgia State University publication, 2010 Fact Sheet).

Gambling Addiction in Georgia: A Public Health Crisis

Problem gambling is a public health crisis in Georgia. The suicide rate for gambling addiction is higher than any other addiction. Side by side with 34 State Affiliates of the National Council on Problem Gambling, we are attacking this problem for Georgia.


Our mission is to ensure that every Georgia citizen who wants to stop gambling can get the help and treatment they need. At the Council’s urging, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has signed an executive order proclaiming March Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Join our emotional commitment. Roll up your sleeves and volunteer. GCPG is the Voice for Relevant, Breaking Info on the Social Impact of Gambling. Georgia Gambling Helpline call 800-522-4700.  -24/7.

The Voice For Gambling Addiction in Georgia

Help? Call Now: 404-985-6785 or 988. (If in-crisis, call 911 immediately.)